Sunday, 29 June 2014

Quake HD Remix (Official Page)


  1. Sorry for my english, I am not a native speaker
    I used to play Quake in 1996, when the game started
    Is amazing now, near 20 years later, play the game with the same pleasure !
    What a extraordinary work you made !
    Thank you very much !

    I have only one question:
    I cant save and load games
    When I play I have start always from beginning
    I see Save and Load in game Menu only whem I start the game
    Never see Save whem exit the game, so I cant save
    Can you help me ?

  2. Can you give me screenshots? I have no issues saving and loading on my end.

  3. also try selecting quake hd remix folder and right click and make sure all files and folders are not set as read only. That may help.

  4. This mod looks awesome man! Thanks for putting it all together!

  5. Just FYI. We wrote up an article covering your mod today. :)

    1. I just saw your article. Thanks, the issue with the Cthon skin I believe is engine related as earlier versions of DarkPlaces Engine did not show that glitch but had a far worse one leaving parts of the HUD weapons invisible so I could see into all the weapons and in my opinion I found that glitch rendered the game almost unplayable. I am glad you enjoyed the mod and as more resources become available and better versions of the engine are released I hope to improve the content and iron out the glitches. I will announce any future updates on this webpage. Happy Quaking! :)

    2. I turned off Parallax Mapping in my video as I only have an i7-4790k, 32Gb 2400 DDR3 RAM and 1x 4Gb GTX970 and With parallax on the video becomes a slideshow. I wish to get the funds for a mega rig upgrade in the future, I will have to sell a lot of paintings to get the cash for new Mobo, CPU, DDR4 RAM, 2,000w PSU and 2x 12Gb Titan X's (For my dream Rig)

  6. I've picked up playing some classic singleplayer Q1 recently after getting sick of fallout4 and honestly, I was just thinking about something like this myself only a couple days ago. Checking the HardOCP website for my daily tech news I see this and, wow! I'm greatly looking forward to trying it out!

  7. This is a big ass great awesome job, sir.

  8. This is a big ass great awesome job, sir.

  9. Tried the game, and as much as I don't like to criticize someone else hard work - I am disappointed in this particular effort. Compared to Epsilon this runs at a lower frame rate (even with POM disabled) and most textures are worse than the ones used in Epsilon.

    The original sound track however is much better than the replacement sound track in Epsilon.

    Either way, thank you for all the hard effort, and keep it up!

  10. Great mod. I'm having trouble getting it to work with Arcane Dimensions.

    1. I will have to look into the Arcane Dimensions as soon as I have the time. All my spare time is hogged up on making an UltraHD (2K) texture pack for Doom 1, 2 and Final Doom, which I am making from scratch and it is a huge job that I am only around 15-20% of the way there. When that epic pack is released I will go over the issues people are having with great depth and detail, including trying to get DOPA and arcane dimensions to work, having another crack at nailing down the Cthon skin bug and adding more resources (and maybe making some of my own resources for it too). The project is not dead, but dormant while I am undertaking an even bigger one.

  11. One thing I noticed is the mod is struggling on my new GTX 1080. I will look into finding out the cause or if Lord Havok has released a version of the engine compatible with the hardware, but I am warning as is performance is bad on the GTX1080 and my old GTX970 gave better performance on this.

  12. Running badly on my GTX1070 8gb card also... i7-7700, 16gb DDR4... Can only get 32FPS ON LOWEST settings!? What gives here?
