Sunday, 24 May 2015

Quake HD Remix - Termination Central 1080p (Shadowplay)


  1. Hello here are some suggestion I hope you could use :)

    webangels version of Lava has some nice animations making it look more realistic

    Also there has been a update to the small mod compilation in it is a map of the start area that use Eruptions on the lava making it look more awesome.

    I hope you can make use of these and great work on this brill HD Remix

    1. Thank you for the info. I tried to use the later version of SMC but it broke the game severely. I used the Epsilon build mod as a base platform before removing resources and replacing them with better resources and that came with that older SMC. I will try again some time (Maybe by extracting all resources and attempting from scratch) but atm I am busy as hell with work, study and voluntary commitments. I will announce future updates on this page and hope I can get things even better. I am a hard-core Quake fan and wish to get the most out of HD resources as possible.

  2. Hi again here is a updated link to a new version od Dp-pretty water this is V0.55 and looks much better follow the 2 links under it for different animations

    1. Thanks for the link, I will try adding this in a post-Christmas Update. :)

  3. sorry I been digging through Forums and found Multi skins for different monsters so instead of shooting the same creature over and over now this will add some variations
    this is the Hi-Poly multi skin thread there is also one for Id1 low poly models il provide the link for hi-poly as this would suit ur mod best

    1. Thanks for the link friend, I book marked it and will try to compile it into an update after Christmas. :)

  4. There is some problem with this HD remix package. In the Chthon boss fight level, Chthon appears normal at first then the texture will disappear.
    Also during initial game load, a lot files are listed as this normal?

    1. I found this issue too on the latest build of DP Engine. I spent 2 weeks trying to fix it to no avail. The skin issue was not there on older builds but the HUD weapons had areas where I could see into the weapons and that made the game unplayable for me. I will keep trying different versions of the engine and when I get one where these glitches get fixed I will release an update. I am glad you enjoy this compilation and hope to make it even better in the future. :)
