Sunday, 29 June 2014

Quake HD Remix E2M1 720p


  1. This video is from my Youtube Channel. I had to Age Restrict it to comply with their terms & conditions regarding violence.

    1. "...compiling all the resources I could find to the DarkPlaces Quake engine to make Quake HD Remix."
      This part got me confused, what did you mean, all I have to do is put those 5gb files into my quake folder or vice-versa right? Like, take the PAK files and placed them to the HD Remix directory? Help me out here please! Your enhanced mod is way beyond comparison with the most famous/infamous epsilon mod, which is not that great, totally not my style, I played it once, many bugs, too much mess.

    2. Man, i just installeed this but I'm sick of it, even though i've set the inis to read-only, whenever i pause the game and change the mouse sentivity (just for example) i play a while, then when I go and change something else, I notice that the mouse sensitivity got reset to default. It makes no sense, and btw, if this is just a compile of other mods like Epsilon, I should just play their mods, thanks...

  2. How do you get the transparent water effect to work?
    I copied Pak0 and Pak 1 into id1 folder?
